for specialised lawyers

fairforce.one stands for fair accident and claims settlement and is clearly positioned on the side of the customer and their service providers.

We organise ready-to-handle mandates for our certified partner law firms and provide our software platform as a "virtual law firm".

All the necessary tools can be easily accessed in the browser.

Thanks to the high degree of automation, working with fairforce.one is particularly relaxed and profitable.

With fairforce.one, I can concentrate fully on my core business. I can process more mandates in the same amount of time!

Your profile

  • You are Specialist lawyer for traffic or insurance law
  • Your team consists of at least 3 employees
  • They see digitalisation as an opportunity
  • You have been in the market for at least 5 years
  • You act as a customer-orientated service provider
  • You have the ambition to always present yourself in a first-class professional and technical manner

How the collaboration works

If you are a good fit for us, you will be given access to our regulatory portal and our telephone system. Depending on your capacities, we will then forward some of the mandates we acquire to you.

By working with us, you save on client acquisition, Office package, RA-MICRO, web file, e-office, in-house server and server maintenance, as well as a telephone system, and can concentrate fully on your work.

The regulatory process and document exchange take place entirely via our portal. This means you can process more mandates in the same amount of time - or benefit from more free time for the same profit.

Partner Newsletter

Our newsletter regularly provides you with exciting news about accident and claims management.

What our customers say: