
Service provider within the meaning of § 5 TMG: Rechtsdienstleistungsgesellschaft mbH

Weißenfelser Str. 65J - House 7, 04229 Leipzig

Phone: 0800 - 30 111 60 Rechtsdienstleistungsgesellschaft mbH

Registered in the commercial register of Leipzig Local Court 
HRB 35165

Registered office of the company: Leipzig
Managing Director: Paul Staroste
VAT ID No.: DE313631934
Tax number 231/108/16618

Registered in the Legal Services Register (Section 10 (1) No. 1 RDG)
Registration authority: Local Court Leipzig, Bernhard-Göring-Straße 64, 04275 Leipzig

Reference number: E 3712/4-1529/18
Supervisory authority: Local Court Leipzig, Bernhard-Göring-Straße 64, 04275 Leipzig

Professional indemnity insurance:
Sum insured: € 2,500,000
HDI Versicherung AG, HDI-Platz, 130659 Hanover

Professional regulations: Legal Services Act (RDG), Legal Services Ordinance (RDV), Money Laundering Act (GwG)

Responsible according to § 18 Abs. 2 MStV:
Paul Staroste, Weißenfelser Str. 65J - House 7, 04229 Leipzig

Alternative dispute resolution:
The European Commission provides a platform for out-of-court online dispute resolution (ODR platform), which can be accessed at

We do not participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board and are not obliged to do so.

Disclaimer: The sole purpose of this website is to present our services. It does not constitute legal advice and cannot replace legal advice. This will only be provided by our certified partner attorneys on an individual mandate basis after the order has been placed. 

Contact for applications: System GmbH
Weißenfelser Str. 65J - House 7
04229 Leipzig