Driving without insurance cover - these are the penalties

Fahren ohne Versicherungsschutz

Anyone who drives a vehicle can get into an accident at any time. This is why insurance is compulsory for motor vehicles in Germany. Without proof of valid insurance, a vehicle cannot even be registered. But what happens if there is no insurance cover? The account was not covered, the application went wrong, the eVB was wrong, someone has [...]

Compensation for pain and suffering after an accident - How much am I entitled to?

Mann hält sich vor Schmerzen den Nacken nach einem Verkehrsunfall

After a road traffic accident with physical injuries, injured parties usually receive compensation for pain and suffering. Of course, this does not heal wounds or ensure an immediate recovery, but it does help to better process the accident and minimise the consequences of the accident. However, there are a few things you need to bear in mind in order to receive the money you are entitled to. In this guide, we explain what [...]

Wildlife accidents - What you need to know.

Ein Reh steht nachts auf der Straße und wird von den Scheinwerfern eines Autos beleuchtet

After a wildlife accident, there is not only the shock of losing an animal's life, but also the big question of what needs to be considered and reported. Does the wildlife accident really have to result in strenuous communication with the authorities, countless phone calls and correspondence? And who actually pays for the damage? Does wildlife accident insurance apply here? And after a wildlife accident, is the [...]

Dashcam recordings as evidence: is this allowed?

Mann am Steuer eines Autos, Dashcam am Spiegel befestigt

Dashcams are commonly used in many countries to protect against unauthorised claims. In Germany, their use is controversial and causes data protection concerns for many. Since the ruling of the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) on 15 May 2018 (VI ZR 233/17), dashcam recordings are generally admissible as evidence in civil proceedings. What you need to bear in mind in order to use a dashcam as evidence after a [...]

Driving with summer tyres in winter - what are the penalties?

Sommerreifen im Winter

October again and it's time to change your tyres? But there's no snow yet and it's not really cold either. Quite a few people are asking themselves: Can you drive on summer tyres in winter? Whether and when winter tyres have to be fitted, whether all-weather tyres are an alternative to the annoying task of changing tyres and what fines can be imposed [...].

TÜV overdrawn - You can expect these costs

For many drivers, the MOT is a necessary evil and often dreaded. This is because the so-called main inspection checks the road safety of the car and is not only associated with fees, but also often means high repair costs if damage is detected. But what happens if the MOT is not carried out regularly? And how is a vehicle without [...]

Topping up coolant - how to avoid engine damage

Motorschaden | © iStockPhoto

For a car, coolant is one of the elementary things that keep the engine running smoothly. Similar to the correct oil level, drivers should therefore also pay attention to this component and top up the coolant if necessary. Without it, there is a risk of engine damage, which can lead to serious accidents, especially on country roads and motorways. What to look out for [...]

Carpooling accident: Who is liable?

Unfall mit Mitfahrgelegenheit | Symbolbild

Carpooling has long been a popular alternative to travelling by car, bus or train. Friendly conversations, low costs and a clear conscience when it comes to your own CO2 footprint - the advantages are obvious. But what happens in the event of an accident? Who is liable and whose insurance company is responsible for settling claims? [...]

Accident with classic car - special features for H licence plates

Unfall mit Oldtimer | Symbolbild

For many fans of older cars, the so-called H licence plate is a coveted goal. This is because it not only visually identifies well-maintained classic cars as such, but the licence plate also has a number of advantages. But what happens if the beloved old car, into which so much heart and soul has been poured, is involved in an accident? [...]

Calculating braking distance - what is the minimum distance required?

Mindestabstand mit dem Auto | Symbolbild

Rear-end collisions are among the most frequent accidents in road traffic. This is often due to drivers keeping too little distance and tailgating the vehicle in front. The so-called braking distance formula is one of the things that learner drivers learn at driving school. But what does the braking distance depend on? And what exactly is the braking distance formula? We explain. Braking distance [...]